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Don't forget to watch more TV, gossip more often, and to subscribe to US Magazine. Oh, and to drink more.


This is huge! What a relief. I'm looking forward to seeing more knit posts. :)


Congrats! Hooray!


Woo hoo!!!! Happy dance, happy dance. Congratulations, that's quite an accomplishment!


congratulations. that's really great. j


Congratulations! I remember your sense of relief... I can't wait to see the FOs that come as a result of your increased free time!


hurrahhhhh!!!!!! Nothing like the relief of turning it in. You should celebrate for several months!


Felicidades! I thought I'd give you a head start on the Spanish.


Considering that you have a job, I wouldn't say you've dragged out your education too long. (Says the lady who hopes to be writing a similar post sometime in 2010...) Congratulations again -- you're a superstar!


Many congratulations! I remember the day I turned mine in like it was yesterday. After I got home I had chocolates, champagne, and soaked in a long, hot bath. If it's any consolation, it took me from September 1995 to August 1999 to finish the coursework and get the danged thesis in. I'd say you did pretty well. Knit on!


Yay! Good job! Take lots of deep breaths and relax a little while.


Congratulations!!! I'm impressed.


YAY!! Congratulations Nicole - what a load off I'm sure. Enjoy the new found freedom.


Awesome! Kudos to you for all your hard work and good luck on the approval!


Those of us who were in "quickstart" (whatev) should drink some booze together to celebrate. We should do this soon. I also have the Kinko's card I bought that day with you.

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