It's in
Originally uploaded by Big Sister.
Tuesday morning John and I loaded up in the rental car for the drive to San Jose. Usually a quick 45 minutes, this trip seemed to take forever even when we were breezing by the light southbound traffic in the carpool lane. We stopped by Kinko's so I could copy the signature page for my records using a copy card that I got during the two-week "quickstart" program in the summer of 2003.
Wow. 2003. I really know how to drag out my education, huh? Does it make it any better that I finished my course work two years ago and my research was stalled for nine months while I waited for approval from various sources? OK, this is starting to sound like a post for the excusesexcusesexcuses blog.
No matter. I have the approval of my committee and now I just wait for approval of my reading copy from Grad Studies so I can submit copies for binding (insert echo sound here).
Now that I am done the list of things that I want to do is a mile long: take more sewing classes, take Spanish, start another research project, exercise more, make my lunch every day, and of course, the inevitable: knit more.