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Ooooh, wonderful. My favourites are the plastic ones with the fancy little edges and details. Lucky you!


I love buttons like this. My mom has boxes and jars of new and old, (I don't like to call the buttons she bought vintage, she's gets all miffy about it) but it is okay to oh, and ah over the ones from from both my grandmothers' button jars. Have fun enjoying them!


Those are lovely! We inherited my great-grandmother's button collection and I've had so much fun with it. Keep us posted if you use any of those!


I'm so jealous! I remember a long time ago when stores would have button jars that you could just dig through. My mom had a button jar too, and it was always a treat to get to play in the buttons. I miss that. It's funny, I was thinking about the jars of buttons yesterday when I saw this:
And hey, I don't use napkins that often, much less napkin rings, but I might if I had these!


Last Saturday, whilst doing inventory, I sat on the floor and hand-counted 3,086 buttons by hand.

So, you know, buttons.

Not that yours aren't purty.


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