Rayna in her new shirt
Originally uploaded by Big Sister.
Summer's here, so it's time to sew. After seeing so many cute versions of this Built by Wendy top (Simplicity 3964), I had to make one. So, I made one for Rayna. I love this pattern, especially those little sleeves and the inset. The inset was a little difficult for me to sew in, but I managed. If anyone else has made this top and has advice on the inset I would love to hear it. I did step up my sewing a little by actually taking the time to hand baste. In doing so, I realized that my hand-sewing skills could use improvement. Here's the hanger shot, which shows the fabrics better:
I just got a couple more BBW patterns (3835 and 3962) and I am back to my summer time activity of trolling sewing blogs for inspiration. It's time to put my wonderfully organized fabric stash to work.
I love those two fabrics together! And I hadn't seen that Built By Wendy top before-- guess I don't read the right sewing blogs, haha. I busted out my sewing machine this week too. It feels like my interest in knitting takes a back seat to sewing at some point every summer. Can't wait to see what you make next!
Posted by: Stef | July 05, 2007 at 09:20 AM
I love it!
Posted by: Jenny | July 05, 2007 at 10:56 AM
So so cute! I love these fabrics together.
Every single one of these I've seen online has been accompanied by a comment about how tricky it is to sew that inset, so you're not alone.
Posted by: alison | July 06, 2007 at 10:24 AM
Lucky Rayna!
Posted by: 5elementknitr | July 06, 2007 at 11:07 AM
Your shirt looks supercute! When I did my inset, I gathered it around the edges and yes, it's a tricky bit. I like the way yours sits flatter, too.
Posted by: Villain Extraordinaire | July 07, 2007 at 09:40 PM
I second Villain, that shirt is supercute. You might want to google for a y-seam like in patchwork. There is a very simple technique for that kind of inset ( I do have a German page which explains that with a lot of pics, if you are interested, I can send you the URL...)
Posted by: tini | July 08, 2007 at 03:40 AM
As the lucky recipient of this darling top, I can tell you I received a stranger compliment within hours of wearing this for the first time. I'll be expecting that every time I wear it now though.
Posted by: Rayna | July 09, 2007 at 11:33 AM
Cute top! Your fabrics work really well with the pattern. I really need to catch up and get into this sewing game.
Posted by: Alexa | July 15, 2007 at 12:35 AM
Wow! I never knew about that website! How awesome. I've been meaning to dust off my sewing machine as well and *cough* learn how to sew from patterns.
Posted by: Rivka | July 29, 2007 at 01:29 PM