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I love those two fabrics together! And I hadn't seen that Built By Wendy top before-- guess I don't read the right sewing blogs, haha. I busted out my sewing machine this week too. It feels like my interest in knitting takes a back seat to sewing at some point every summer. Can't wait to see what you make next!


I love it!


So so cute! I love these fabrics together.

Every single one of these I've seen online has been accompanied by a comment about how tricky it is to sew that inset, so you're not alone.


Lucky Rayna!

Villain Extraordinaire

Your shirt looks supercute! When I did my inset, I gathered it around the edges and yes, it's a tricky bit. I like the way yours sits flatter, too.


I second Villain, that shirt is supercute. You might want to google for a y-seam like in patchwork. There is a very simple technique for that kind of inset ( I do have a German page which explains that with a lot of pics, if you are interested, I can send you the URL...)


As the lucky recipient of this darling top, I can tell you I received a stranger compliment within hours of wearing this for the first time. I'll be expecting that every time I wear it now though.


Cute top! Your fabrics work really well with the pattern. I really need to catch up and get into this sewing game.


Wow! I never knew about that website! How awesome. I've been meaning to dust off my sewing machine as well and *cough* learn how to sew from patterns.

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