Bitty Booties Brown
Originally uploaded by Big Sister.
Anyone who is an obsessive crafty blog reader knows how it goes. You are reading someone's blog and they link to another blog that you don't normally read. So, you visit that blog, which links to another blog that features something that you must make immediately. This happens to me all the time with knitting. So much so that I have nearly become immuned to it (nearly, but not completely).
However, this immunity has yet to extend to sewing. Somehow, somewhere I ran across Heather Bailey's Bitty Booties pattern. Next thing you know I am at the fabric store buying felt and a bag of scrap leather (for $1.99 I got enough leather for at least 6-8 pairs). They are so cute and fairly simple to make. The only modification I made (although it is not really a modification, more an interpretation of the already very clear instructions) was to machine blanket stitch on either side of the cut line before cutting the opening. This worked beautifully on the second pair that I made. Not so much with the first pair (below).
On the first pair the blanket stitch overlaps some, so when I cut it I cut the stitches. Also the picture was taken before I added a bow in order to create a better closure. That was also fairly unsuccessful/unsightly. So, the first pair was the prototype. The second was a present for Jenny's niece born on my birthday!
Regarding the sporadic blogging around here, I don't know what to say. Even Mr. has been asking why I haven't been blogging. This is a my first real summer in a long time. Before at my job I had to work during the summers, now I am not bound to a schedule and somehow that has lead to me feeling like I have less free time or I feel bad about my free time or I feel like I should be doing something productive with my free time or really I just don't know. I have been knitting and sewing, so soon there should be more photo content for the blog. Last month's knit for myself spirit has carried over to this month, however as soon as the two projects I have going, the Corset Pullover and the Lotus Blossom Tank, are finished I am going to head into knitting for my impending niece or nephew. While I have some optimism that baby clothes knit faster, I question how quick baby clothes on fingering weight yarn will knit up.
Welcome back! I find that I can waste so much time (that could be used for knitting, cleaning, catching up with friends and family) following blog links! Yes, you do find some great ideas and patterns along the way -- just need to make the effort to step away from the computer and the time to whip them up.
Posted by: Gina | July 18, 2006 at 08:50 AM
You already know what I'm going to say; those are some seriously cute shoes. Why do babies get all the good stuff? I've missed the blog, gurl.
Posted by: anne | July 18, 2006 at 09:16 AM
Cute booties!
Don't worry about being lax with the blogging. I'm the laxiest (new word!) blogger there is. We just appreciate the posts when they come in, but no worries.
Posted by: HibiscuitsGirl | July 18, 2006 at 07:15 PM
Dude. It's too hot to blog. I'm forcing myself.
Posted by: Angela | July 18, 2006 at 08:02 PM
I love love LOVE the brown and pink booties. So sweeet!
Posted by: another gina | July 18, 2006 at 10:28 PM
If those booties were any more cute, I might spontaneously turn pink and smell like cotton candy.
Seriously. Nice work. Damn, them's cute.
Posted by: Tanya | July 19, 2006 at 03:22 PM
The booties are so cute! Thank you for the link. I just made a pair and I want to make several more too.
Posted by: Amy Boogie | August 21, 2006 at 04:15 PM