2007 FOs

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That is incredibly, painfully cute. Great fabric choices and execution!


Oh, such a sweet little dress!

And I don't think I ever commented on your Kiri shawl (did I?), so: Wowie!


Oh my! That dress is so lovely. I really need to learn to sew!


Little Dress reminds me so much of the things my mother would make for me when I was a little girl, back in the early 70s (whoa, dating myself!). It has such a cute, retro vibe. Ah, the days of listening to Olivia Newton John and Jefferson Starship on my 8 track player while Mom sewed me the latest Butterick pattern. Good times.

I can't imagine any little girl not wanting to rock Little Dress to school or summertime fun.


Oh that is so cute. I love the fabric choices.

When I start sewing again (hopefully soon), you'll have to share some of your sewing know-how with me!


I love it. If I were 2, I would wear it. You rock. Are ya sure you want to be a librarian?




Dude, I love it. Will you make ME one?

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