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A victrola? Now that is traditional.........


I agree with the Victrola, but passing on Scrimp?
Now, that just ain't right.


How did the pumpkin pie turn out?


I must try that stuffing, sounds incredible. My Puerto Rican uncle used to make a turkey with 40 cloves of garlic and the chorizo stuffing sounds perfect with it instead of the terrible chestnut stuff he used to make.


Wow, that cornbread and chorizo stuffing looks amazing. I did something similar to that but with regular sausage this year. I must try that recipe. Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog!


It is so so so embarassing that here it is, like, 100 years after Thanksgiving, and not only haven't *I* posted anything about this great fun day, but that I only just now got around to reading your post. I agree it was a fabulous afternoon/evening... you guys are the best guests! Can't wait to do more dinner parties. Have they gone out of fashion yet?

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